输血科 科室动态详细


2016-11-14 11:25南宁市第二人民医院


Pregnant women are at increased risk for thrombotic events, including deep venous thrombosis. The risk continues after delivery and has been thought to be highest during the 6 weeks postpartum. When does it return to baseline?


In a recent analysis of a large database of 1.7 million pregnant women, the thrombotic risk remained elevated through 12weeks postpartum, after which time the risk was no longer significantly elevated.

最近的一个有170万孕妇参加的大样本分析显示,血栓形成的风险一直持续到产后12周,之后就不再有明显升高(N Engl J Med, 2014,370:1307)。


Why treatment with oral anticoagulation for venous thromboembolism (VTE) is generally avoided during pregnancy?


The treatment of VTE with oral anticoagulation is generally avoided during pregnancy due to the teratogenic effects in the first trimester and the risks of fetal intracranial bleeding in the third trimester.



When Rh-positive fetal blood enters the circulation of an Rh-negative mother, maternal anti-D antibodies are process, called sensitization or alloimmunization. Have on the pregnancy during which it occurs?


Sensitization usually has no adverse effects during the pregnancy in which it occurs but results an amplified immune response if further maternal exposure to the D antigen occurs during a subsequent pregnancy.

致敏通常对发生致敏过程的怀孕没有不良影响,但在下次妊娠时如果再次接触D抗原,将产生增强的免疫反应(Ann Emerg Med,2013,59:285

PS:在以后的妊娠中,母体内的抗D抗体将进入胎儿,导致胎儿溶血(新生儿Rh血型溶血病)(输血科 卓能逵)